Buckling Up While Pregnant: How To Keep You And Your Baby Safe On The – Buckle Me Baby
Buckling Up While Pregnant: How To Keep You And Your Baby Safe On The Road

Buckling Up While Pregnant: How To Keep You And Your Baby Safe On The Road

Buckling Up While Pregnant: How To Keep You And Your Baby Safe On The Road

Should you wear your seat belt over, under, or across your baby bump? The Hudson Center for Prenatal Vehicle Safety (HCPVS) has some great resources for keeping you (and your baby!) safe. 

According to HCPVS, car crashes are a leading cause of injury to expectant mothers. 

5 Steps To Riding Safer During Pregnancy:

  1. The lap belt goes under your bump, resting on your hip bones. This distributes crash forces across your hips instead of over your belly.
  2. Wear the shoulder belt to the side of your bump, across the center of your chest, and over your collarbone. This distributes crash forces over strong bones instead of your belly.
  3. Your seat should be upright and not reclined more than necessary. This positions you properly for the seat belt to protect you!
  4. Keep space between your belly and the steering wheel while still being able to reach the pedals comfortably. This keeps your belly away from a point of impact.
  5. The steering wheel airbag should be about 10 inches from you and pointing at your chest instead of your belly. This helps ensure the airbag protects you instead of causing injury.

What about seat belt adjusters for pregnancy?

There are multiple seat belt adjusters on the market, but these are not recommended. There is no federal crash test or safety standard for these products, so they are not safe to use.

Thanks to HCPVS for these great tips for keeping expectant parents and babies safe in vehicles!

Guest Post written by Britney Schroeder, CPST from Buckle & Latch (@buckleandlatch)