Car Seats & Summer Driving – Buckle Me Baby
Car Seats & Summer Driving

Car Seats & Summer Driving

Car Seats & Summer Driving

Think Summer is the Safest Driving Season? Think Again.

Winter can be dangerous for drivers. Think about it – icy roads, wind, snowy conditions and, of course, the days are shorter and the nights much longer. This cold weather pile-on can make driving a challenge for anyone — and if you have kids in the car, you have their safety to think of too. We’re here to help – that’s a big part of our job at Buckle Me Baby Coats.

Believe it or not, the warmer months can be some of the most dangerous for drivers. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 9 of the 10 deadliest days for youths on the road fall between May and August – when driving conditions are, surprisingly, the best.

So – what gives?

Why is Summer a Dangerous Driving Season?

While winter is an environmentally dangerous driving season, summer comes with its own special challenges. Not only are there more young drivers on the road – it’s summer vacation, after all – but families are spending more time on the road as well Between road trips, parties, and BBQs, there’s always somewhere you and your kids have to be. And because it’s lighter longer, there are more “safe” driving hours – which means more opportunities for accidents.

Our advice?

Take these added summertime precautions especially when you’ve got your kids in tow.

  • Make sure kids are always in the backseat.
  • Secure anything heavy or over sized in the trunk or in a cargo holder. If you slam on the brakes or swerve unexpectedly, items shift or, even fly into surrounding seats and injure passengers.
  • Double-check your car seat installation. About three in four car seats are improperly installed double checking before you hit the road takes a second and can protect your kids all summer long.
  • While you’re at it, check your kiddo’s car seat straps to ensure they’re secure, twist free, and tight enough.

How Tight Should the Straps be on an Infant Car Seat Anyway?

It’s a big question many parents have: how tight should straps on a child’s car seat be? Sometimes harnesses may seem a little too snug and as your kids get older, they might even say they’re too snug. So what’s safe and what’s not?

  1. Make sure the top of the straps are in the right place. Forward facing car seat harnesses should sit just above your child’s shoulders. Rear-facing seat’s harnesses should be just below the shoulders. Instructions can vary from car seat to car seat so always check your car seats manual to be sure.
  2. Check straps to ensure they aren’t pinched or twisted.
  3. Once the harness is pulled in place, make sure the clip is armpit level.
  4. Adjust the harness straps so they’re snug. If you can slip more than two fingers between the strap and your child’s collarbone, it’s too loose.

Follow these simple summer safety tips and you and your family will be ready to hit the road. Happy summer!