Dressing Your Sensory-Sensitive Child: Tips and Tricks for Choosing th – Buckle Me Baby
Dressing Your Sensory-Sensitive Child: Tips and Tricks for Choosing the Right Clothing

Dressing Your Sensory-Sensitive Child: Tips and Tricks for Choosing the Right Clothing

Dressing Your Sensory-Sensitive Child: Tips and Tricks for Choosing the Right Clothing

How good will it feel to find clothes that your little one loves to wear without all the complaining? #winwin 

Do you suspect your little one has sensory or skin sensitivities? You’re not alone! Finding clothes that are comfortable for their littles with sensory issues, including those with autism and understanding what makes a top clothing pick can be tricky but we are here to help! We’ve rounded up some tips and insights to help make dressing your little one easier.

Understanding Sensory Sensitivities

Sensory sensitivities can vary widely from one child to another. For some, certain fabrics, textures, tags or seams may feel uncomfortable or even painful against their skin. Others may struggle with clothing that is too tight or restrictive. It may take some trial and error but observing your little one's reactions and preferences to each category will help you figure out what works best for them.

Categories to watch for:

  • Itchy or "sticky" fabrics (examples: wool or sherpa)
  • Textures (examples: waffled clothing or jeans)
  • Tags
  • Seams
  • Tight fitting clothes


Choosing the Right Fabrics

Sensory-sensitive children love soft, breathable fabrics that don't cause irritation and feel soft and smooth against their skin. Fabrics like cotton and bamboo are gentle and less likely to trigger sensory issues. Kids may be more sensitive in the evenings when they are tired and winding down.  Buckle Me Baby Pajamas are made from hypoallergenic bamboo fabric making them cozy, breathable, and soothing against the skin (bonus: bamboo is perfect for kids with eczema too). They also have no tag at the neck for extra comfort!


Opting for Seamless Designs

Seams and tags can be major sources of discomfort for kids with sensory sensitivities. Look for clothing with seamless designs or tagless labels to minimize irritation.

Choosing Non-Restrictive Designs

Look for clothing and accessories that aren't restrictive in areas where kids are sensitive, whether it’s their wrists, ankles or at the neckline. Look for items with stretchy or adjustable features, like elastic waistbands or cuffs, to help them move comfortable without feeling constrained. 

Buckle Me Baby Coats: Sensory-Sensitive Solutions

At Buckle Me Baby Coats, we understand the importance of keeping kids comfortable. We also know that traditional winter coats can sometimes bother kids who are sensitive in the neck area or who have a trach.  Our Toasty and Toast Coats are designed with lower necklines to provide a more comfortable fit for kids who are sensitive in this area. Their unique design makes it easier and safer to buckle them in car seats too, so you’re not dealing with the added hassle of a bulky coat in the car. 

Finding clothing and outerwear for kids with sensory sensitivities or skin sensitivities may be a bit of trial and error, but when you find the brands that work for your little one it's one less thing to worry about! 


Autism Speaks
Sensory Processing Disorder Foundation