Is it okay to fix their head slump with a travel pillow or headband? – Buckle Me Baby
Is it okay to fix their head slump with a travel pillow or headband?

Is it okay to fix their head slump with a travel pillow or headband?

Is it okay to fix their head slump with a travel pillow or headband?

Have you worried about head slump and wished for a product to keep their head up?

The head slump question comes up - alot - and its understandable. If we slept like that we would have neck pain for daysssss but kids are built differently.

Ever notice the twisty ways they sit while watching tv or reading? Their bodies are made of more cartilage and have more flexibility so they are comfortable in positions we as adults are not.

❌ Products that hold their head up or go behind their neck (like travel pillows) are not only dangerous but lethal. In a crash the band will hold their head back while their body moves forward creating neck and spine injuries or death.


Make sure their car seat is at the right angle for rear facing or forward facing. The car seat has a level positioner that sometimes looks like a level with a bubble, a line, or a bead. If you are unsure check your car seat manual or check in with a local Child Passenger Safety Technician.

As long as the car seat is at the correct angle your little one is comfortably ready to go!

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In a crash with a head band like this on their body will move forward while their head is held back leading to neck and spine injuries. As long as the car seat is reclined properly your little one is comfortable and safely buckled.

♬ Aesthetic - Tollan Kim