It's Important To Register Your Car Seat! – Buckle Me Baby
It's Important To Register Your Car Seat!

It's Important To Register Your Car Seat!

It's Important To Register Your Car Seat!

Did you know that less than half of all car seats are registered? Even though that registration postcard comes in the box, it can be easy to forget! It’s important to register your child’s car seat so that the manufacturer can notify you about recalls. 

Sending in the registration card gives the manufacturer your contact information and lets them know you own one of their car seats. That way, if a recall does happen, they can get in touch with you to:

  1. Let you know that there is a recall on the car seat you own

  2. Tell you whether or not you need to stop using the car seat

  3. Provide information about what the remedy will be for the recall

Every year, roughly half of all recalled car seats are not fixed because parents and caregivers never registered their car seat and aren’t notified about the recall or how to fix it.

Did you throw out the registration postcard? Don’t worry! Search “car seat registration” and your car seat’s brand name. Most manufacturers let you register your car seat online, which makes it even easier!

Can’t find a way to register online? Call the manufacturer and they can help you. And don’t worry - the manufacturer will only contact you if there is a recall. You won’t be placed on any email lists!

Unfortunately, recalls can happen at any time. So even if you’ve already owned the car seat for a while, it’s still worth it to register your child’s car seat as long as it is still being used. 

Guest Post by Britney Schroeder, CPST (@buckleandlatch)