Let's Talk About: Head Slump In Car Seats – Buckle Me Baby
Let's Talk About: Head Slump In Car Seats

Let's Talk About: Head Slump In Car Seats

Let's Talk About: Head Slump In Car Seats

Does seeing your little one’s head slump make you nervous? Let’s talk about head slump: when to worry, and when to let them be!

Kids often fall asleep with their heads in odd positions that look very uncomfortable to adults. Generally, as long as their car seat is reclined correctly and they are not complaining of pain, they are not in any danger.

However, for infants with little to no head/neck control, chin to chest head slump can be dangerous. It can cause difficulty breathing and they can’t lift their head back into the correct position. Here are 4 ways to protect baby’s airway and keep them safe while sleeping in the car! 

  1. Correctly Reclined Car Seat: Check the recline angle when you’re next to the gas pump! It is level, so it’s a perfect place to make sure the recline angle is correct for your child’s age and weight.
  2. Use Padding/Inserts Correctly: Many car seats have infant inserts to ensure proper positioning for smaller babies. Double check weight limits for the inserts!
  3. No Slouching: Baby should be sitting upright with their bottom flat on the bottom of the seat and their back flat against the back of the car seat.
  4. Snug Harness: A snug harness helps keep baby’s body in the proper position. It should be flat and snug around the hips, the chest clip should be at armpit level, and you shouldn’t be able to pinch any slack in the harness on top of the child’s shoulder.

Guest Post written by Britney Schroeder, CPST from Buckle & Latch (@buckleandlatch)